Add to Calendar 09/14/2021 03:00 PM 09/14/2021 04:30 PM Europe/London Specsavers Live Event

Join us live as we explore the detrimental effect coronavirus (COVID-19) has had on the state of the UK's eye health.

We will share new research findings from Deloitte Access Economics that quantifies the scale of the impact for patients and everyone working in eye health.

We will discuss the challenges ahead and debate new collaborative ways of working to reduce preventable sight loss for patients while reducing the pressure on our already over-burdened NHS.

To access the event please click the live link and use the password ‘eyehealth'.

Live link: Specsavers

You are invited to an exclusive digital event revealing the results of a comprehensive report on how the pandemic has impacted eye health in the UK during the last 18 months and created huge additional costs for the NHS and economy.

We appreciate your patients take priority and you may not be able to join us, so would be delighted to welcome any representative from your organisation. We will also share a recording of the event for you to watch at your leisure.

Developed in partnership with:

  • Deloitte Access Economics
  • Supporting National Eye Health Week 2021

Time & Date
14th September 2021

45 mins inc Q&A

How to access
RSVP to [email protected] by Friday 10 September 2021

Featured Speakers

Sue Perkins
Giles Edmonds
Clinical Services Director
Doug Perkins
Joint Group CEO and Co-Founder


Bernie Chang
President, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Zoe Richmond
Clinical Director at Local Optical Committee Support Unit
Paul Morris
Director of Professional Advancement
Philippa Simkiss
Change Management Consultant